Graduation Party Decoration Inspirations, Simple but Cool

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Don’t ignore graduation party decoration. This is because graduation is an achievement that is indeed something to be proud of. Therefore, it is appropriate to celebrate it.

Graduation Party Decoration Inspirations, Simple but Cool

To make it more lively, don’t just celebrate it with family. However, you can also invite friends, comrades, and other close people. Therefore, make sure to decorate the party with care and attention.

Best Graduation Party Decoration

Holding a party but decorating it carelessly tends to have the assumption that we don’t respect the invited guests. Therefore, make a total decoration. The ideas are also diverse. Here are some of them.

Pool Party

Celebrating graduation is not enough if it is only at school. When at home, you can have another party to celebrate it.

One of the concepts is a pool party. As the name implies, this graduation celebration is indeed located in a swimming pool.

It feels even more recommended to do it when the weather is hot. For example, when the dry season arrives.

For the decoration, you can add food and drinks on the edge of the swimming pool. Also add balloons and flowers as decorations.

It will be even more interesting if you hold it according to gender. For example, women invite female friends. Likewise, men also only invite male friends.

Hollywood Style

If you like Hollywood movies, there’s nothing wrong with applying them as decorations when celebrating a graduation party. For the decoration, you can use a red carpet.

The dominant color can also be red like Hollywood. With this decoration, the graduation party can look glamorous like Hollywood.

Play Games

The next idea is to complete the graduation party decoration using various types of games. Starting from placing board games, friendly competitions, and video games.

Games can indeed be a means of entertainment in themselves. The atmosphere during the party becomes more lively when interspersed with playing games.

Use Balloons

Balloons are indeed the mainstay for decorating any event, including graduation parties. This is in accordance with the YouTube channel Living Luxuriously for Less. When using 40 guests, you can make decorations by relying on a number of balloons. Use black and white balloons to gold balloons. Place the balloons on the floor and arrange them on the table.

Graduation Banners

When decorating a graduation party, you can also add a graduation banner. Just add the banner to the wall.

On the graduation banner, don’t forget to add the words Happy Graduation. In addition to being a wall decoration, this graduation banner can also be a photo spot.

When celebrating a graduation party, you definitely want to capture the moment at the photo spot. Therefore, don’t hesitate to decorate with graduation as attractively as possible.

For example, by adding flowers or balloons on the edge of the banner. So that the banner looks good, choose one that contrasts with the color of the wall.

After reading the explanation above, of course you can know what graduation party decoration ideas are. By knowing it, you will no longer be confused about what kind of party you want to hold. Just use the review above as inspiration for the decoration. /puji